Friday, August 31, 2007

Windmill Island

Today, Jim and I and Ralph and Janice went to visit Windmill Island which is located near downtown Holland, Michigan. Windmill Island is a state park that contains a 240 year old working windmill given by the Dutch. We actually got to go inside the windmill and walk up to the sixth floor where the miller actually ground the wheat. They actually produce flour at the windmill and the miller happens to be a woman right now. They also had a working Dutch street organ (see pic above). It was amazing how the organ worked. It was such a brilliant piece of work. It played songs from books specifically designed for this organ. They had a replica of a Dutch village that was interesting to see and they also had a wooden shoe factory. Both Jim and I tried on the shoes just to see what they felt like. I'm glad I didn't have to wear them for walking. This island is also abound with the most beautiful gardens. They say in the spring there are thousands of tulips and people come from all over to attend the tulip festival. That evening we went for our final dinner together at a place called the Boatworks. We had a wonderful dinner with a table overlooking the water (see pic). Later that evening we went downtown and watched the street entertainers which turned out to be a wonderful evening. The highlight of the evening was a gymnastic performance by three young women called the flying angles. It was really entertaining. Janice and Ralph leave Friday morning and Jim and I are staying until Saturday morning. Mem and Larry's grandchildren are coming in for the weekend so we wanted to stay and meet them. Mem and Larry are beside themselves waiting for the little ones to get here. Today is our last day in Michigan and we are going to spend it, cleaning the motorhome, laundry and waiting for the grandchildren to arrive. Until next time......

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