Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Holland, Michigan and Saugatuck

What a fun day we had today. We took a ride on the Dune Schooners in Saugatuck. It is an 18 passenger jeep like truck that took us on a 35 minute ride through the sand dunes on the shore of Lake Michigan. Apparently, these sand dunes can only been seen while riding the Dune Schooners. It was very different and exciting. The driver raced around corners and up and down hills. It also goes through a woodland forest. There are various joke signs along the route and they had a fake snake hanging from a tree. Of course the driver stops the schooner right under the limb hanging down with the snake and yells out "Oh watch out snake!" Well I looked up and it was hanging about 2 feet from my head and I screamed out and about jumped into Janice's lap trying to get away from it. You might know with all the people on this schooner, I would be the one to fall for it! Anyway, it was quite the ride and we all enjoyed it very much. Then we went to the town of Saugatuck and checked out all the little shops. The guys found a bench to wait for us and poor Jim he had on white shorts and sat in some fresh bird poop! And it was not a little bird, it was quite messy! We all got quite the laugh out of it and Larry and Ralph took pictures of his dirty butt, but Jim failed to see the humor. We were going to find him some new shorts, but he went in to the bar and took them off and washed them. You know Jim -- anything to save a few dollars! Next we went to a favorite of Larry's for lunch. It was called Cranes Orchard Restaurant. We had a great lunch and Janice bought a Peach fritter for dessert for all to share. It was quite good. From there, Janice and Ralph and Jim and Larry went back to the motorhomes and Mem and I went to Veldheer's Tulip Farm. It is a Dutch wooden shoe factory and Delftware (blue and white china) factory as well as a tulip farm. I bought my mother about 60 tulip bulbs for her yard. She loves to garden and I'm sure these bulbs will keep her plenty busy. We all skipped dinner tonight in lieu of another happy hour. Mem's friend Claire came over to visit. It was great to finally meet the famous Claire that Mem talks about all the time. I can see why they are great friends. We really enjoyed visiting with her. Also, Janice has been trying to teach Jim a new vocabulary. She says he needs to learn more words than shit, dam and hell! So we'll see how long the change lasts!

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