Sunday, August 26, 2007

Old Mission Peninsula

After visiting Leland, we went to Old Mission Peninsula to see the Old Mission Lighthouse. This lighthouse is located at the 45th Parallel or halfway between the North Pole and the equator. The lighthouse is inhabited so we didn't get to go inside but it was still really neat to see. We stopped off at the Old Mission General Store on our way back to town. The man who worked here was quite a character. He knew lots of history about the peninsula and was very eager to share his stories. The store is jam packed with food items local to the area, as well as a small selection of groceries, fresh produce, cheeses, and antiques. It was a very scenic trip and we had such a beautiful day to enjoy the sights. We went back to the motorhomes to regroup, let the dogs out and headed back out to visit friends of Ralph and Janice, Tom and Joanne. They live in Elk Rapids, a lovely lake town and they also stay at Crystal Lake in Florida where Ralph and Janice winter. They were a delightful couple, and treated us to happy hour at her house and then we took a tour of his house. (They owned separate houses before they married, and decided to keep both houses after they married.) We then went to a wonderful restaurant on the river for dinner with Tom and Joanne. They are such nice people and we really enjoyed the opportunity to meet and spend time with them. Needless to say, we were all very tired after such a full day. We're thinking Sunday is going to be a rest day. Maybe we might finish our Phase 10 game who knows. Until next time...........

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