Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Spearfish Canyon Ride

Spearfish Canyon is supposed to be one of the best biker rides in the world. The history of the canyon is pretty interesting. It was believed to be formed some 30-60 million years ago when the area was originally covered by the sea. When the waters subsided the canyon was carved out by water eroding away softer rock. Land was pushed up from volcanic action and this area became known as Spearfish Canyon probably because the Indians used to spear fish in the river that ran through these canyons. The land was originally so rough that the only way to travel through it was by horse. A train rail was built through it in 1893 but eventually the rail was flooded out in 1913. Eventually the road we enjoyed today was built and has been enjoyed by residents as well as tourists. The pictures don't really show it justice but it is a very pretty ride. Along the way, we stopped at a restaurant for a snack, and visited a couple of waterfalls. We all thoroughly enjoyed the day. That night Jim decided we should all go to Full Throttle to see the sights. Ed opted out to rest up after our long bike day, so Jim and I and Lucy and Andy caught the campground bus over to Full Throttle. It was packed and it was lingerie night so it was pretty wild. The bus picked us up at 12:30 and I was glad to see that bus - I was tired!!!! Overall though it was a great day.

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