Saturday, August 18, 2007

Soo Locks Michigan

We arrived in Sault Ste Marie, Michigan Saturday afternoon. We are camped right on the St. Mary River across from Canada. It is a very nice campground near the Soo Locks. The St. Mary River is the only water connection between Lake Superior and the other Great Lakes known as the St. Marys Rapids. The rapids fall 21 feet from the level of Lake Superior to the level of the lower lakes. The locks were built in the 1800's so that ships could pass through the rapids. We took a boat tour this afternoon. On our way out, we were on the lower end of the rapid and the locks raised the boat to higher level and on our way back, we were on the higher end of the rapids and the locks lowered the boat to the lower water level. It was pretty amazing. As were were coming back another huge ships was on the other side and they were being raised to get through the locks. As much as 2 million gallons of water is added or removed from the locks during the 10 to 20 minute process. Some of the ships that pass through are over 1,000 feet long. When we got back to the campground, we sat our chairs around the motorhomes facing the river and watched the ships come and go through the locks, had happy hour and ate dinner outside. It was such a wonderful day and evening.

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