Friday, August 24, 2007


Petoskey is a small coastal town known for its unique shopping and fine dining. We started our day off by eating at one of the 16 restaurants recommended, Jespersons. (see Jim and Mem above). Jespersons is a family owned and run restaurant that is in its 104th year. Everyone enjoyed their meal and then on to the good stuff -- shopping. The guys checked out a store with us that had a great deal on jackets then ventured off to the General Store. After that, they found a comfortable bench to sit on and we girls hit about every store in what is called the Gaslight District. We each were successful in buying jewelry, and we had a ball trying to talk each other into buying stuff. We spent the entire day there and on the way home we stopped at a Farmer's Market and we each bought some more "stuff" (healthy of course). We only drove through Charlevoix on our way home -- we were too tired to stop. It looked like a real delightful town with more shops and restaurants. When we got home, the dogs were really excited to see us. Bono just couldn't get enough of Jim. He kept putting his paws around him and putting his head on his shoulder -- it was so cute. I kept trying to take his picture when he was doing it but he kept looking up at me when I held the camera up. When I put the camera down, he would lay his head on Jim like "I love ya Man." Janice treated us all for dinner with a delicious vegetable beef soup she made; I brought a salad and sourdough bread and Mem bought a cherry pie from the Farmer's Market and ice cream. We enjoyed the great dinner and got back to our game of Phase 10. Promptly at 9:30pm Ralph announced it was time to break to eat the pie and that we would finish the game another night. Can you believe it -- we are going into our third night to hopefully finish one game! Right now, Ralph and Janice are in the lead. I have a feeling Mem will still win the game - she wins all the games we play! Tomorrow our plan is to visit Old Mission Peninsula and Leland. Until then..........

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