Tuesday, August 28, 2007


Sunday was a quiet day for everyone. As Mem says "We need a down day." Jim and I did some reading and we went for a bike ride. That evening, we had happy hour and we decided to skip dinner and finish our game of Phase 10. My prediction of Mem winning was wrong. Ralph won. Well it was still early so we decided to play a card game called Oh Hell. It was really fun and surprisingly, Mem didn't win this game either, Janice won. Monday we headed out for Ludington. Us girls went downtown for a little shopping and the guys had another "down day". That evening, we cooked out and had steaks, corn, potatoes and salad. It was a great dinner and we started another game of Phase 10. And of course we didn't get halfway through the game before we called it a night. Tuesday we headed for Holland, our last city in Michigan before we start our journey back to Virginia.

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