Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Holland, Michigan and Big Red Lighthouse

Mem and Larry lived in Holland for twenty-five years before moving to Fredericksburg, so this is like old home week for them. They took us on a tour of their old neighborhood, we got to see their old house (which was very nice I might add) and showed us where Larry worked. We rode through the downtown area and then we rode out to the Big Red Lighthouse on Lake Michigan. It's not an easy lighthouse to get close to. You can see it from several points of view but we actually got to walk right up to it. We had to take a 20 minute walk to get out to the lighthouse and as you can see from the picture, it was worth it. However, we did have two casualties getting there. Janice cut her toe on the walk out there and she and Ralph never did make it out to the lighthouse. They turned around and went back to the car for a band aide. Then by the time Jim made it out to the lighthouse, his knee had gone out on him. He had to sit down on a step and rest before we headed back. It was really beautiful along the shoreline. I enjoyed walking by all the coastal cottages. It must be wonderful to live there and have such a wonderful view. Mem and I also put our feet in Lake Michigan. Jim had a slow walk back to the car with several rests, but he finally made it back to the car. Then we all went to a restaurant called Piper for a "light" dinner. It was a wonderful place with great food and beautiful views. By the time we got back to the motorhomes we were pretty well wore out but all agreed it was a very enjoyable day.

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