Thursday, August 23, 2007

Mackinac Island

Wednesday we all took the ferry over to Mackinac Island. The day had started to look like rain so we went prepared with our rain jackets. But by the time we got to the island, (20 minute ferry ride) the sun came out and it was a gorgeous day to tour the island. I loved Mackinac Island. There are no cars over there. Transportation is by horse drawn carriage and/or bicycles. They had the most gorgeous horses - Belgian's and Percheron's. You might know I was in my element! The tour guide told us they don't use Clydesdale horses (Budweiser Bush horses) because those horses are mainly bred for show and parades. The Belgian's and Percheron's they purchase are raised by the Amish to work. The horses work for 4 months on the island and then are shipped backed to the lower Michigan where they have 8 months of rest, eat, and make babies! What a life!! We had a wonderful tour around the island and stopped off at a Carriage Museum and Fort Mackinac. They had reenactment's at the fort of court marshals, firing squads, and marching bands. We had lunch at the fort at the Tea Room which overlooks the port. It was wonderful. What a view. I'm still finding it hard to believe we are on a lake and not the ocean! Us girls also did some more shopping. While we were on the island we got a call from our Winnebago club friends, Rita and Joe Cannon. They were on the way back from a trip to Canada this summer and decided to stay at the same campground as us on their way through Michigan. Janice (our dinner expert) found out the place to eat in Mackinac is the Audi restaurant. So we all went to Audi's together and again had a wonderful time.

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