Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Mackinaw City

Another great day in Michigan. We arrived at Mackinaw Mill Creek Campground Tuesday about 1:00pm. After we got the motorhomes settled, the girls (Mem and Janice and I) went to Mackinaw City to do some shopping. We had a wonderful afternoon and yes we did find some treasures. Later, Janice provided us with a Georgia treat for dinner (hot dog smash). It was delicious. You put a hot dog in a hot dog bun and open the bun up and then fill the plate with lots of chili, onions, relish, cheese and oyster crackers. We finished playing our game Mexican Dominos that we started the other night and Mem won. She is so lucky - she always wins whatever games we play. After dinner we drove back into Mackinac City for ice cream and to see the Mackinaw Bridge at night all lit up. It was such a delightful evening. We took Bono and Charlie to get ice cream and they enjoyed their share too. The pictures above show the bridge in the daylight as we went over the bridge. Ralph and Janice are in front of us. The other picture is the bridge at night.

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