Thursday, August 2, 2007

Sturgis Tattoos

We all three ended up getting tattoos. Jim got his lips tattoo enhanced, (Jim really loves those lips!) Ed got a palm tree with a monkey on his leg and I got a butterfly on my thigh. We figured, what the heck. How many times will we ever do Sturgis again!!
After the tattoos, we went to Knuckles for lunch. Ed said he needed a drink after that experience! Anyway, we got back to the RV and right out our front window, we found out we have more new neighbors. They were apparently getting dressed to go out on the town. Of course Jim and Ed were very interested in these neighbors. Ed went over to see if they needed help getting their boots on!!!! Yeah Ed I bet!!
Anyway, the scenery is getting more interesting as the week goes on. Our friends, Lucy and Andy left Fredericksburg, VA on their bikes yesterday. They hope to be here by Saturday. They rode 500 miles the first night. That was a first for Lucy and she said she was tired. Andy has ridden 1,000 miles with his brother before but he said he was ready to call it a night when they did. Because of the poor cell signals, we don't know how far they made it today.
Well who knows what tomorrow holds in store. This is definitely been an experience. Until then...........


Anonymous said...

Good Saturday morning to you. It is about 6:50 am and we are starting to get ready to finish loading the Big Ass Bus and head to Zions Crossroads to meet up with Janice & Ralph. We will be in Ohio tonight, Michigan tomorrow night and then on up to the UP. Hopefully the wildfires are not going to effect us by I plan on calling today or tomorrow to check on our areas. We are looking forward to seeing you guys soon. I need to talk with you about Holland. We are planning on staying through Labor Day and Janie and Ralp are going to leave to go see friends on the east side but thought you might could stay a couple of more days. We will have Noah & Kate with us as Ally, Doug and baby are going to be with friends about 50 miles from there and we thought we would keep the older two and give her a break. I would love for you to see them and also we will fed you the BEST PRIME RIB in the state on Friday night at the ELKS CLUBS with Al & Clare Friend. Think about it and I am sure Darlene at the campground can find space. Just didn't remember when you needed to be in Myrtle Beach. MEM

Jim & Linda said...

Have a safe trip! We leave Sunday morning. See you in Michigan and talk more about our schedule. We're looking forward to not hearing motorcycle roars. We are motorcycled out.