Sunday, September 9, 2007

Myrtle Beach

Well we got home from our Michigan trip and spent a week at home doing chores and left Sept 8th for our stay at Myrtle Beach, SC. We got here Saturday afternoon and that evening we met up with Lucy and Andy and their children and Lucy's parents, who were celebrating Lucy's mom's birthday. We had dinner at Dicks and had a lot of fun. After dinner we went to Coldstone Creamery for ice cream. We went back to the hotel where they were staying and Lucy's dad was going to get an earring piercing, so we all went over to watch, and the kids took pictures of their grandfather getting his ear pierced -- it was pretty cool. I tried to get Jim to get his pierced but he wasn't going for it! After that we ended up going for drinks at a lounge across from their hotel. All and all it was a great evening and a great way to spend our first day here. Sunday we were expecting a tropical storm to hit, but we woke up to a beautiful sunny day. Jim and I went to Camper's World and got a grill table for our new grill then came back and spent a wonderful afternoon on the beach reading and people watching.

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