Tuesday, September 25, 2007

More Myrtle Beach Updates

Still having a great time at the beach. Jim and I played another round of golf with Jerry and Verna. Jim and I both played at about the same level so I felt pretty good about that. More friends and family came down; Jerry and Elaine Klauber previously from Virginia now Florida, and my cousins Darleen and Kathleen from Columbia, SC. We all went to a Mystery Dinner Theater with Jerry and Verna last Friday. After dinner you have to write down "who did it" and "why" and they gave out little prizes to people who "got it". What a hoot! Elaine, Verna and Jim got acknowledged at the end of the evening as "having a clue" about the mystery but not quite the whole truth, and my cousin Kathleen got acknowledged as "not having a clue". She wrote the Gecko did it because he didn't buy his insurance at Geico!!! Saturday, Kathleen, Darleen, Elaine and I sat down at the beach and talked and read. We had a little excitement around 11:00 that morning as 4 sharks were pacing back and forth about 12 feet from shore. People were scrambling from the water like crazy. Later that afternoon, Kathleen and I went out and rode the waves and just had a blast. (There were no sharks by then!) Sunday more friends showed up, Wayne and Barbara from Virginia. We all decided to check out the Flea markets down here. We spent most of the day at the Flea Market. Then we ended up at Bimini's for all the steamed oysters you could eat between 4&6pm. Monday Kathleen and Darleen left for home and me and Elaine went to Curves. Elaine shopped while I worked out, then we both went shopping. We checked out Coldwater Creek and Chicos and found bargains at both places. That evening, we all went out to Carolina Roadhouse for dinner and Coldstone Creamery for ice cream. Needless to say, Jim and I are dieting big time today. Jim, Wayne and I are going crabbing this afternoon and with a little luck we will have steamed crabs for dinner tonight. So until next time...........

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