Monday, September 17, 2007

Myrtle Beach RV Repairs

Friday was another wonderful sunny day. We spent our day on the beach again, and that evening we went to our friends (Jerry and Verna's) for dinner. What a wonderful time we had. Jerry was the chef that night and what a wonderful meal he served!!They also had videos of their trips (Cruise throughout Europe, and another cruise to the Antarctica). It sure peaked our interest in going on both of the cruises in the future. Meanwhile one of the parts for our RV came in on Friday so we picked that up before we went to Jerry's and Verna's. Saturday morning Jim was chopping at the bit to get the air conditioner micro chip board installed but he woke up to rain. After breakfast though, the rain had stopped and out he went and got the board in and the air conditioning works just fine. Still waiting for the thermostat part to come in as well as the power management system parts, but those repairs are not impacting our air conditioning at all. We are quite comfortable. Our neighbors down the row from us had another problem on their new Hurricane RV so Jim went down and got them fixed up again. Turns out they needed another $200 part. Again, they think Jim is their hero. On Sunday, dogs were allowed on the beach any time of day so we took Bono and Charlie down to the beach with us. They were equipped with a quilt, an umbrella, and a bowl of water. They were in hog heaven until Jim took them for a dip in the water. Bono didn't seem to mind once he got down to the water, but Charlie was not a happy camper. He hated the water!!! But they were both a lot cooler the rest of the afternoon. That evening, Jim bathed them and even though Charlie hates a bath, I think he enjoyed having all the sand washed off him. Monday, I started my day with a workout at Curves. Then we met our friend, Jerry who took us to the golf driving range and gave me some more golf lessons. I did pretty good even if I do say so myself. I've been too focused on hitting the ball, that I was not keeping good form so we did a lot of practice and it is starting to click for me. Later that afternoon, we met up with both Jerry and Verna and went to a Par 3 range. It was my first time on the course, and Jim's forth time. I've always felt too intimated to go out on the course before, but after practicing on the driving range with Jerry, I got my confidence up and we actually did pretty good. The picture above is Jerry giving me some pointers - does he look a little frustrated? Well he was, when I wasn't hitting the ball I had my swing down pat, as soon as he put the ball in front of me - I went to hell in a hand basket. But you know what they say, practice makes perfect, by the end of the practicing time, I was finally getting it. We had a wonderful day on the course and I can't wait til we go again. Until next time.......

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