Friday, September 28, 2007

Myrtle Beach, Crabbing & Fishing

Well Wayne, Jim and I went crabbing and between the 3 of us we caught about 15 crabs. Well actually Jim netted them in after I hooked them on the chicken neck. We lost quite a few before we actually got the hang of netting them; those critters were quick to get away if they could.
The next day Jim and I spent the day on the pier fishing; well I fished and Jim sunned himself.
I fished all day and only got 2 nibbles while people all around me were catching blues. The guy across from me was catching a blue every 15 minutes. I don't know what I was doing wrong. The lady standing next to me was not catching anything either, but then all of a sudden her line starting pulling and she reeled in the biggest stingray I've ever seen. It was so big she couldn't get it up out of the water, so this guy came along and broke her line. She didn't want to reel it all the way in anyway but was hoping to get it unhooked. The guy told her the only way to solve that problem was to cut the line. Thursday, after I went to Curves, Elaine and I went shopping again. That evening, Jerry and Elaine and me and Jim met our RV neighbors at the Crocodile Rock for a dueling piano act. It was so much fun. These guys took song requests and inter-acted with the audience and did some hilarious jokes on people. I never laughed so hard. We will definitely have to go back there. Friday, Elaine and Jerry and Jim and I went on the Sun Cruz casino boat. It was a five hour cruise. They had 4 floors of slot machines and one floor of gaming tables. I played machine poker for 3 hours on $20 and quit when I got my $20 back. So much for the big gambler. They also served lunch and had entertainment. It was really a nice day. Tomorrow, Jerry and Elaine leave and we will be by ourselves until Sunday, when our friend Ed Steckler arrives. He's coming in for bike week. Bike week actually starts on Wednesday so we have a few days of rest before then. So until next time......

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