Friday, September 14, 2007

Mytle Beach and Aftereffects of Lightning

Thursday was another typical day for me; reading on the beach and enjoying the wonderful sunshine. Jim meanwhile is still preoccupied with getting the motorhome fixed. None of the parts that he "Overnighted" have come in yet - so we are still waiting. Jim is still managing to keep the air running; however, he has to check it constantly to make sure it doesn't freeze up. Our neighbor, Jack has had the insurance people come out and an RV electronics repair guy out. The RV guy didn't have a clue where to start because nothing electrical is working. He basically ended up telling Jack to take it to a Monaco repair dealer because he felt that the entire wiring system needed replacing. They have a 2004 Beaver. More and more people on our row have been discovering they have taken on damage too. The guy on our right has had the RV repair truck here Thursday and it just pulled up again. I don't know what problems they are having today. The people two spots down from Jack told Jim their air conditioner was out. They pushed all the reset buttons but still no air. Jim took his tools over to their RV and was able to fix the air conditioner. They think Jim is their hero now. But they came over this morning and they are having other problems. (They have a brand new Hurricane RV and its their first time out in it). So Jim gathered up his tools and is trouble shooting for them again. Meanwhile neighbors have been hooking up power cords and have Jack and Linda's TV going and some fans set up. They have decided to stay here another week and make the best of their vacation.
They found a dealer in Elkhart, OH who can take it in the first week of October. The other dealers are booked until after December. So the neighbors are teasing Jack and Linda with having to roughing it on this camping trip. Last night about 20 of us went to the weekly fish fry down on the beach. The campground sponsors this fish fry every Thursday. It's all the fish and chips you can eat for $8. Looks like another wonderful sunny day so I'll be relaxing and reading on the beach today. Poor Jim he'll be waiting for parts to come in - he won't be able to relax until those parts come in and our repairs are made. I can't tell if he's in his glory or stressed - he loves fixing stuff!!!!! Tonight we are going our to our friends (Jerry and Verna's) house for dinner. They just got back from Europe so we are looking forward to hearing about their trip. So until later...........

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