Thursday, October 4, 2007

Myrtle Beach and Friends

OK one set of legs belongs to someone who works for a living and one set of legs belongs to someone who lives the life of a beach bum. Can you guess which is which in the picture at left? Our friends Ric and Vic are visiting Myrtle Beach this week along with our friend, Ed who came in for bike week. Answer to above - the white legs belong to Ric who works for a living and the brown legs belong to Jim who is living the life of a beach bum this month. We've been busy shopping and eating, and playing cards since they arrived. Ric and Vic got a late start on their visit to Myrtle Beach because they became the grandparents of new granddaughter, Gracie born just last week. Gracie is their sixth grandchild - those lucky ducks!!! Today its raining very hard. Ric and Vic are out shopping and me, Jim and Ed are going to take a ride out to look at the bike week vendors (if any are open). We will all meet for dinner this evening at J Edwards. The rest of the weekend is looking more promising as far as weather goes.

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