Friday, September 28, 2007

Myrtle Beach, Crabbing & Fishing

Well Wayne, Jim and I went crabbing and between the 3 of us we caught about 15 crabs. Well actually Jim netted them in after I hooked them on the chicken neck. We lost quite a few before we actually got the hang of netting them; those critters were quick to get away if they could.
The next day Jim and I spent the day on the pier fishing; well I fished and Jim sunned himself.
I fished all day and only got 2 nibbles while people all around me were catching blues. The guy across from me was catching a blue every 15 minutes. I don't know what I was doing wrong. The lady standing next to me was not catching anything either, but then all of a sudden her line starting pulling and she reeled in the biggest stingray I've ever seen. It was so big she couldn't get it up out of the water, so this guy came along and broke her line. She didn't want to reel it all the way in anyway but was hoping to get it unhooked. The guy told her the only way to solve that problem was to cut the line. Thursday, after I went to Curves, Elaine and I went shopping again. That evening, Jerry and Elaine and me and Jim met our RV neighbors at the Crocodile Rock for a dueling piano act. It was so much fun. These guys took song requests and inter-acted with the audience and did some hilarious jokes on people. I never laughed so hard. We will definitely have to go back there. Friday, Elaine and Jerry and Jim and I went on the Sun Cruz casino boat. It was a five hour cruise. They had 4 floors of slot machines and one floor of gaming tables. I played machine poker for 3 hours on $20 and quit when I got my $20 back. So much for the big gambler. They also served lunch and had entertainment. It was really a nice day. Tomorrow, Jerry and Elaine leave and we will be by ourselves until Sunday, when our friend Ed Steckler arrives. He's coming in for bike week. Bike week actually starts on Wednesday so we have a few days of rest before then. So until next time......

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

More Myrtle Beach Updates

Still having a great time at the beach. Jim and I played another round of golf with Jerry and Verna. Jim and I both played at about the same level so I felt pretty good about that. More friends and family came down; Jerry and Elaine Klauber previously from Virginia now Florida, and my cousins Darleen and Kathleen from Columbia, SC. We all went to a Mystery Dinner Theater with Jerry and Verna last Friday. After dinner you have to write down "who did it" and "why" and they gave out little prizes to people who "got it". What a hoot! Elaine, Verna and Jim got acknowledged at the end of the evening as "having a clue" about the mystery but not quite the whole truth, and my cousin Kathleen got acknowledged as "not having a clue". She wrote the Gecko did it because he didn't buy his insurance at Geico!!! Saturday, Kathleen, Darleen, Elaine and I sat down at the beach and talked and read. We had a little excitement around 11:00 that morning as 4 sharks were pacing back and forth about 12 feet from shore. People were scrambling from the water like crazy. Later that afternoon, Kathleen and I went out and rode the waves and just had a blast. (There were no sharks by then!) Sunday more friends showed up, Wayne and Barbara from Virginia. We all decided to check out the Flea markets down here. We spent most of the day at the Flea Market. Then we ended up at Bimini's for all the steamed oysters you could eat between 4&6pm. Monday Kathleen and Darleen left for home and me and Elaine went to Curves. Elaine shopped while I worked out, then we both went shopping. We checked out Coldwater Creek and Chicos and found bargains at both places. That evening, we all went out to Carolina Roadhouse for dinner and Coldstone Creamery for ice cream. Needless to say, Jim and I are dieting big time today. Jim, Wayne and I are going crabbing this afternoon and with a little luck we will have steamed crabs for dinner tonight. So until next time...........

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Myrtle Beach with the Dogs

What can I say - another great day at the beach! This morning Jim and I went to the Golf Club and hit two buckets of balls at the driving range. Then we practiced on the putting green. I can't wait to hit the course again. We are planning on going back out on the course with Jerry and Verna on Thursday. This afternoon we took the dogs down to the beach with us. As you can see above they were doing their "girl watching from under the umbrella. Lots of people on the pier today fishing. I still haven't been out there yet, but I'm hoping to do so later this week.
Until next time.......

Monday, September 17, 2007

Myrtle Beach RV Repairs

Friday was another wonderful sunny day. We spent our day on the beach again, and that evening we went to our friends (Jerry and Verna's) for dinner. What a wonderful time we had. Jerry was the chef that night and what a wonderful meal he served!!They also had videos of their trips (Cruise throughout Europe, and another cruise to the Antarctica). It sure peaked our interest in going on both of the cruises in the future. Meanwhile one of the parts for our RV came in on Friday so we picked that up before we went to Jerry's and Verna's. Saturday morning Jim was chopping at the bit to get the air conditioner micro chip board installed but he woke up to rain. After breakfast though, the rain had stopped and out he went and got the board in and the air conditioning works just fine. Still waiting for the thermostat part to come in as well as the power management system parts, but those repairs are not impacting our air conditioning at all. We are quite comfortable. Our neighbors down the row from us had another problem on their new Hurricane RV so Jim went down and got them fixed up again. Turns out they needed another $200 part. Again, they think Jim is their hero. On Sunday, dogs were allowed on the beach any time of day so we took Bono and Charlie down to the beach with us. They were equipped with a quilt, an umbrella, and a bowl of water. They were in hog heaven until Jim took them for a dip in the water. Bono didn't seem to mind once he got down to the water, but Charlie was not a happy camper. He hated the water!!! But they were both a lot cooler the rest of the afternoon. That evening, Jim bathed them and even though Charlie hates a bath, I think he enjoyed having all the sand washed off him. Monday, I started my day with a workout at Curves. Then we met our friend, Jerry who took us to the golf driving range and gave me some more golf lessons. I did pretty good even if I do say so myself. I've been too focused on hitting the ball, that I was not keeping good form so we did a lot of practice and it is starting to click for me. Later that afternoon, we met up with both Jerry and Verna and went to a Par 3 range. It was my first time on the course, and Jim's forth time. I've always felt too intimated to go out on the course before, but after practicing on the driving range with Jerry, I got my confidence up and we actually did pretty good. The picture above is Jerry giving me some pointers - does he look a little frustrated? Well he was, when I wasn't hitting the ball I had my swing down pat, as soon as he put the ball in front of me - I went to hell in a hand basket. But you know what they say, practice makes perfect, by the end of the practicing time, I was finally getting it. We had a wonderful day on the course and I can't wait til we go again. Until next time.......

Friday, September 14, 2007

Mytle Beach and Aftereffects of Lightning

Thursday was another typical day for me; reading on the beach and enjoying the wonderful sunshine. Jim meanwhile is still preoccupied with getting the motorhome fixed. None of the parts that he "Overnighted" have come in yet - so we are still waiting. Jim is still managing to keep the air running; however, he has to check it constantly to make sure it doesn't freeze up. Our neighbor, Jack has had the insurance people come out and an RV electronics repair guy out. The RV guy didn't have a clue where to start because nothing electrical is working. He basically ended up telling Jack to take it to a Monaco repair dealer because he felt that the entire wiring system needed replacing. They have a 2004 Beaver. More and more people on our row have been discovering they have taken on damage too. The guy on our right has had the RV repair truck here Thursday and it just pulled up again. I don't know what problems they are having today. The people two spots down from Jack told Jim their air conditioner was out. They pushed all the reset buttons but still no air. Jim took his tools over to their RV and was able to fix the air conditioner. They think Jim is their hero now. But they came over this morning and they are having other problems. (They have a brand new Hurricane RV and its their first time out in it). So Jim gathered up his tools and is trouble shooting for them again. Meanwhile neighbors have been hooking up power cords and have Jack and Linda's TV going and some fans set up. They have decided to stay here another week and make the best of their vacation.
They found a dealer in Elkhart, OH who can take it in the first week of October. The other dealers are booked until after December. So the neighbors are teasing Jack and Linda with having to roughing it on this camping trip. Last night about 20 of us went to the weekly fish fry down on the beach. The campground sponsors this fish fry every Thursday. It's all the fish and chips you can eat for $8. Looks like another wonderful sunny day so I'll be relaxing and reading on the beach today. Poor Jim he'll be waiting for parts to come in - he won't be able to relax until those parts come in and our repairs are made. I can't tell if he's in his glory or stressed - he loves fixing stuff!!!!! Tonight we are going our to our friends (Jerry and Verna's) house for dinner. They just got back from Europe so we are looking forward to hearing about their trip. So until later...........

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Myrtle Beach and Lightning

Well we have enjoyed the last few days of wonderful sunshine, reading on the beach, playing cards and going to dinner with our neighbors, who have been coming here longer than we have, and just having a wonderful relaxed time. Today (Wednesday) started off with me going to Curves and Jim and I going to the grocery store. By the time we got back to the motorhome it was starting to cloud up. We walked the dogs real quick and decided to read indoors until the clouds passed over. Next thing we knew a terrific thunderstorm came through with thundering and lightning. I was laying on the couch reading when I heard what sounded like a machine gun going off. I looked out the window and my neighbor had a ball of fire and then lots of smoke coming from their motorhome and then everyone's power went off. I realized it got hit by lightning and Jim thought we did too. He called our neighbor Jack to see if he was alright and he said he was but he got all kinds of sparks and smoke in the motorhome. Jim told him what I saw happen to the top of his motorhome and he said he was still in the process of making sure he wasn't on fire inside. Meanwhile Jim started checking all of the systems in our motorhome and one by one everything started working except the air conditioning. By this time we had quite a crowd of folks out in the street that saw the hit and came over to see what happened. Jim discovered the circuit board outside to our air conditioner got fried. You know Jim - he went right into action to get things fixed. He called the company that makes the circuit boards and they are going to overnight deliver us a new circuit board tomorrow. Meanwhile Jim discovered the thermostat inside the motorhome was blown and called Camper's World and they have the part so he left right away before they closed to get that. Our neighbor Jack called his insurance company and they are sending someone over tomorrow - nothing in their motorhome works. Jack thinks all the wiring in his motorhome to include his computer is fried. He thinks he'll be getting a new motorhome because he won't trust the wiring system after this. After the rain stopped, I looked up at the top of Jack's motorhome where I saw the ball of fire and saw that his CB antenna was totally burnt up. Jim thinks the sparks Jack saw inside was probably his CB wires burning. So to say the least, we have had an exciting afternoon today. Thankfully no one was hurt but at least 3 of our motorhomes took some kind of hit with Jack getting it the worst. I feel so bad for them - they just got in yesterday from PA and their kids are coming in this weekend. They may have to leave for home tomorrow or at least get a motel room for the week the kids are here and then go home. They were so looking forward to a month at the beach. Hopefully tomorrow we can get back to relaxing on the beach! Until later........

Sunday, September 9, 2007

Myrtle Beach

Well we got home from our Michigan trip and spent a week at home doing chores and left Sept 8th for our stay at Myrtle Beach, SC. We got here Saturday afternoon and that evening we met up with Lucy and Andy and their children and Lucy's parents, who were celebrating Lucy's mom's birthday. We had dinner at Dicks and had a lot of fun. After dinner we went to Coldstone Creamery for ice cream. We went back to the hotel where they were staying and Lucy's dad was going to get an earring piercing, so we all went over to watch, and the kids took pictures of their grandfather getting his ear pierced -- it was pretty cool. I tried to get Jim to get his pierced but he wasn't going for it! After that we ended up going for drinks at a lounge across from their hotel. All and all it was a great evening and a great way to spend our first day here. Sunday we were expecting a tropical storm to hit, but we woke up to a beautiful sunny day. Jim and I went to Camper's World and got a grill table for our new grill then came back and spent a wonderful afternoon on the beach reading and people watching.