Monday, July 30, 2007


On Sunday, Ed and Jim took a ride out to Mt. Rushmore and Crazy Horse and then on to Deadwood on their cycles. Jim said it was a 140 round trip. They had a grand time. I went shopping in Rapid City and I had a nice day too. Monday we had an exciting event. Jim and I and Ed rode the motorcycles to the Buffalo Chip to pick up our concert tickets. On the way, a deer ran in front of us. It was so close (about 3 ft) to us we could hear its hoofs clicking the pavement. I never saw it til it was right in front of us. Luckily Jim saw it out of the corner of his eye and was able to hit the brakes in time without dumping me. There was a guy going the other way and he screamed because he thought he was going to hit it but it went right passed him and into our path; and when he screamed is when I saw it. We were still moving as it passed before us - Jim said if the deer wasn't traveling as fast as it was we probably would have collided. Ed said from where he was sitting he thought for sure we were going to hit it. Needless to say, I was pretty scared. My arms felt numb until we got off the cycles. Anyway, after we got our tickets we stopped in town for lunch and shopped around at some of the vendors and got some shirts. Then we stopped at the grocery store for more provisions and decided to spend a quiet day at the campground. From now on I'll be on deer alert you can bet. Our neighbors (husband and wife) camping across from us are tattoo artists from Germany. They are setting up shop in a local beauty shop. They've been doing this for the last 5 years. The beauty shop owner closes up and moves her equipment out and the tattoo artists are expecting their equipment in tomorrow and will set up and start working on Wednesday. We have spent the last two evenings talking with them. They flew into Chicago, then bought a bike and rode here. It took them 4 days. Jim and Ed are thinking of getting tattoos from them. We'll see. Until later........

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