Tuesday, July 17, 2007

GNR - Days 6-8 Pre-Rally

We spent the weekend before the rally enjoying Puckerbrush Days in Forest City. Forest City is a community of about 4500 people and it's small town reminds you of small town America. People are very friendly and Puckerbrush Days is like our county fairs on a much smaller level. Lots of good food, games for all played in main street, parade, and music. They had events from Thursday thru Sunday.

Our club members brought their lawn chairs and we all sat in front of the town hall watching the activities and enjoying food and good company. Iowa is known for its corn so we were all looking forward to their sweet corn and pork sandwich dinner on Friday evening. They cook this corn in these huge steamers right on main street and store it in these roaster pans full of butter; it sure was delicious. Saturday, we watched the parade and enjoyed BBQ chicken cooked over coals on the street. The evening was topped off with fireworks. Of course we end each of our evenings with happy hour over at our RV sights.

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