Saturday, July 28, 2007

Friends in Sturgis

We sure had a great day today. Ed and Jim took a ride on their motorcycles and when they got back we got Mason to go for a ride with Ed. I think Mason was really getting into the biker mode. He was having a blast. We even got Judy on the bike. Judy was really a good sport -- even though riding and bikers is not her thing she went along with all our shenanigans! Our new friends, Val and Ryan (from the grocery store) came over for happy hour and dinner . We had a great feast - We bought steaks, and Judy, Ed and I fixed the rest of the fixens; baked potatoes, rice a roni, asparagus casserole, fried apples. Then we went over to Val and Ryan's buddy (Gene) for another happy hour. Gene had converted his garage patio into a bar and party room. It was really cool. His sign was posted on a big bear carving in his driveway. Then we all walked into town to their favorite night spot and listened to this great rock band. I'm not really a fan of rock, but this band was great. It was such a fun day and to think bike week hasn't started yet. I will admit, we were pretty wore out by the end of the evening. Judy and Mason leave on Saturday and Jim and I are thinking of having a quiet day at the pool to rest up.

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