Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Grand National Rally (Day 3 of the Pre-Rally)

Well today is the 3rd day of the pre-rally. More and more motorcoaches are coming in. People have been busy scheduling repairs; upgrades; etc to their RVs at the plant service center. Jim had an appointment scheduled for Tuesday at 9:00am but they called us while we were out and about in the town Monday to ask if we could bring it right over because they had an opening. We hightailed it back to the RV and got it right over to the service center. We had to bring the dogs out with us because they can't stay in the motorhome while it is being serviced. Both Bono and Charlie were so delighted to be in an among all the people. They service anywhere from 50 to 100 motorhomes a day and they have a big waiting room where people are allowed to bring their pets inside as long as they act good. As you can imagine the waiting room was packed. Well Charlie and Bono were definitely on their "church behavior" and lots of people kept petting them and telling them how good they were. We met people from all over the U.S. and Canada who were waiting to get serviced and spent the afternoon telling traveling stories and making jigsaw puzzles. I was about 15 pieces from finishing a 1,000 piece puzzle when Jim said it was ready to go; I hated leaving before we finished the puzzle but we had been there all afternoon so I left it to a lady from Canada to finish it off. We got new windows put in on the front drivers side but we had to be back at 6:00am Tuesday to finish the problem with the slide. Getting up at five this morning was not fun but we did it and we were out by 11:00am with all the problems fixed. Jim is a happy man this afternoon; all his toys are fixed. We went for a bike ride later today and happy hour is about to begin and I'm being paged to enjoy the festivities so More later........

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