Thursday was the last full day of the GNR. Jim and I went over to the surplus store one last time to check for any bargains and sure enough we found stuff we couldn't live without. I bought 5 rolls of very nice upholstery material for $2 each. Don't know what I'm going to do with them yet, but I'll figure out something, the price was too good. One chapter club bought 72 rolls!! Jim found some stuff too. We rode our bikes over to the Chuckwagon Restaurant for lunch. After we got back to the camp we decided to check out the 2009 models they had set up. That was a pretty scary decision for us, because the last time we went "looking" we ended up trading. We weren't even going to look this year, but curiousity got the better of us so we did. We are happy to report we didn't have any buyer's remorse after checking out the models. We're still very happy with our new motorhome. Since it was our last night for our club members here at GNR we decided to go out together for dinner one last time. We went to a biker bar of all places and they had a taco special for a $1 each that most of us got. (see pics above). We had a fun time exchanging stories of all that we did and saw at this GNR and previous GNRs. The evening entertainment back at GNR was a piano player by the name of Jason D. Williams. What a fabulous player -- he played boogie woogie, rock and roll, country, classical, gospel, etc. You name it; he plays it. He was very very high energy and had everyone stomping and clapping to his music. He was all over the piano; sitting down, standing, laying down on top of the piano, running at it, under it, etc. It was quite the show. Later, we came back to our RV's and Jim got out our campfire unit and we all sat around the campfire until midnight. (see pic above) I couldn't believe we sat out so long - but it was such an enjoyable evening together. Friday morning we left for Sturgis, SD for the motorcycle rally. We had beautiful weather and such a pretty ride through Iowa, MN, and now SD on Hwy 90. We are staying in a campground right off of Hwy 90 about 250 miles from Sturgis. We hope to get to Sturgis, Saturday afternoon.
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