Monday was quite a day. They had 7 entertainment events planned throughout the day, to include Les Gilliam from Oklahoma, a Jazz piano player, a 50, 60 rock and roll group, and some Branson entertainers. They had seminars planned for all hours of the day. Jim and the guys had several seminars they were interested in and us gals had plenty of stuff to look into too and lots of vendors to check out. I did manage to fit a Curves workout in and visited the local quilt store. Jim and I ate in since we need to be careful of his diet now -- we don't feel like taking any chances with that gall bladder stone!!! The evening entertainment started off with an Elvis and Marilyn Monroe look alike contest. They only had one of each so each of them won a $50 cash prize. The Marilyn look alike really got into the part - she even sang a song, "Diamonds are a Girl's Best Friend" and really gave it all she had. It was a riot! They also raffled off a 1 hour hot air balloon ride - I really was hoping to win that, but no such luck; however the lady who did win was so excited she could not stop hollering! They are also offering tethered hot air balloon rides every evening from 5:30-7:30 first come first served. I am hoping to get lucky to at least get a tethered ride. The big entertainment that night was a band called New Odyssey. They were awesome. They are from Chicago and play all over the US. They played every type of music and all kinds of instruments and some comedy thrown in too. It was great. Tuesday was extremely busy for us. First of all,
CBS news came to the rally grounds at 6:00am. Jim got me up early to see all the activity going on. I have to admit, it was pretty exciting even at 6:00am. (see pic) They were there from 6-8am and interviewed folks from all over and even went inside motorhomes to see how the folks lived. About halfway through the show, the hot air balloon went up with the lady who one a free ride the night before. It was really neat - it looked so majestic. (see pic) Then at 8:45am Jim and I got on the bus to attend the Advantium cooking class. Yes, believe it or not, Jim wanted to go. This new microwave/oven has lots of buttons and stuff so Jim was excited to go to see how it all worked. Luckily, it was men teaching the class and they were the technical types to teach not only cooking but how everything works. Jim was in his glory -- and I learned some things too. After that class, Jim and I split up. I went to the entertainment tent and listened to the various muscians and Jim went to seminars. From 1-3pm I took a quilting class which was a lot of fun and and I learned a few new tips on quilting. At 3:15 I went for a facial at the local town spa. It was wonderful. At 4:00pm the state row parties started. Everyone brings a dish and gathers at their state representatives. Then you could go from row to row and share goodies. They even had an old fashing band with a guy dressed as a woman who was hilarious. (see him and Jim pic).
We ran into Joe and LeeAnn our friends from CA (see pic) and we all got homemade ice cream at one of the state row (OK I believe). At around 7:30pm after walking the dogs one last time, Jim and I decided to call it a day. We had a ball but we were exhausted!!!!
CBS news came to the rally grounds at 6:00am. Jim got me up early to see all the activity going on. I have to admit, it was pretty exciting even at 6:00am. (see pic) They were there from 6-8am and interviewed folks from all over and even went inside motorhomes to see how the folks lived. About halfway through the show, the hot air balloon went up with the lady who one a free ride the night before. It was really neat - it looked so majestic. (see pic) Then at 8:45am Jim and I got on the bus to attend the Advantium cooking class. Yes, believe it or not, Jim wanted to go. This new microwave/oven has lots of buttons and stuff so Jim was excited to go to see how it all worked. Luckily, it was men teaching the class and they were the technical types to teach not only cooking but how everything works. Jim was in his glory -- and I learned some things too. After that class, Jim and I split up. I went to the entertainment tent and listened to the various muscians and Jim went to seminars. From 1-3pm I took a quilting class which was a lot of fun and and I learned a few new tips on quilting. At 3:15 I went for a facial at the local town spa. It was wonderful. At 4:00pm the state row parties started. Everyone brings a dish and gathers at their state representatives. Then you could go from row to row and share goodies. They even had an old fashing band with a guy dressed as a woman who was hilarious. (see him and Jim pic).
We ran into Joe and LeeAnn our friends from CA (see pic) and we all got homemade ice cream at one of the state row (OK I believe). At around 7:30pm after walking the dogs one last time, Jim and I decided to call it a day. We had a ball but we were exhausted!!!!
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