Thursday, July 17, 2008

Forest City, Iowa #3

We arrived in Forest City on Sunday afternoon and got set up in the Virginia row. On Monday, Jim went over to customer service to get on the schedule to get our warranty repairs done. We had to be over at the shop at 6:00am. They took our motorhome in by 7:00am. Jim and I went and had breakfast with another couple from our club, Tom and Ginnie Flemmings. (They too, had taken their RV in for service). We had to wait around all day at the customer repair shop with hundreds of others. We talked with various people waiting for repairs. We had our dogs, Bono and Charlie with us. You can take them inside - they are very dog friendly at Winnebago. Bono and Charlie were perfect. They never barked or growled at the other dogs, like some of the other dogs did. Anyway, at 3:00pm we got the word that not all the repairs were finished. They fixed the leak on our windshield, but we had to let it dry overnight and they would test it on Wednesday, plus they had to order a shade for our bedroom window and order the corian mix to fix our kitchen counter. So we did the same thing again on Wednesday. Dropped the RV off at 6:00am, went to breakfast with our new CA friends, Lee Ann and Joe that we met at HWH. Then back to the shop for more waiting. We read, talked to others also waiting for service and walked the dogs. I did get a break from the service center today though for a bracelet class given at the pre-rally. It was pretty fun. Jim kept the dogs with him at the shop. Again, the dogs were perfect all day. We got a lot of complements on how good the dogs were. Jim said he had to bite his tongue to keep from saying Charlie's good behavior was just an anomaly - he's usually a pain, but even Jim was proud of the little guy. Charlie did keep the other customers entertained while he was trying to catch flies. There were two flies in the lobby and they seemed to be annoying everyone, but mostly Charlie and he was determined to get them. He had everyone in stitches laughing. Anyway, at 3:00 we got the word that we have to come back on Thursday or Friday to do the kitchen counter. I could have died. I hate getting up that early!!!! At least I'm getting a lot of reading in. Some of the girls in our club have been playing bingo every night here at the pre-rally. So far only one of us, Cookie, has won; but we have been having fun trying to win. We're hoping they take us back at the shop tomorrow so we can finally settle in for the rally. At least we don't have to check in at 6:00am. They said to call at 10:00am to see if the corian mix was in. Wish us luck!

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