Thursday, July 10, 2008

Forest City, Iowa Bound

Well we're back on the road again. We left home on Jul 7th and we are headed for a Winnebago rally in Forest City, Iowa. It's Winnebago's 50th Anniversary Grand National Rally (GNR). This will be our 3rd trip to GNR. We're really looking forward to it. Also, Jim has an appointment to get some issues we have fixed while under warrenty at the Winnebago factory. We spent our first night at a Wal Mart in Clarkesburg, WV and visited with Jim's sister, Sandra and her husband, Ronnie. We had a wonderful visit with them. We took a walk to Ryan's and had a great buffet dinner, and then walked back to the motorhome and visited some more with them.
Considering it was a busy Wal Mart, we had a nice quiet evening. The next night we stayed at a campground in Indianapolis, Indiana. We started the evening off with a nice refreshing dip in the pool. Then after dinner we had the biggest thunderstorm. It was raining and the wind was blowing so hard I was a nervous wreck that a tree would fall on us. But we made it through the storm just fine and no trees fell on us, but we noticed some of the camp sites did have trees down as we were leaving that morning. We arrived in Moscow, Iowa on Wednesday afternoon and parked at the HWH factory were Jim had an appointment to get our jacks fixed on our motorhome. We met several folks who were also camped out waiting for repairs. We all pulled up our chairs and had happy hour together and just had a wonderful evening. We met LeeAnn and Joe from Bakersfield, CA; Jim and Diane from Canada; Dave and Janice from Florida. LeeAnn and Joe and Dave and Janice are also en route to the GNR. It was so funny when we first started out we were discussing what we had planned to fix for our dinners, but as the evening went on we shelved our dinner plans and we all ended up having snacks before bed. As of Thursday morning, our motorhome and Joe and LeeAnn's are in the bays getting fixed. Jim and Diane and Dave and Janice are still waiting to be fixed. We'll probably stay the night here again after we get the motorhome fixed. Then we will head out to Amana, Iowa where we will meet up with several of our Winnebago Club members from Virginia.

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