Saturday, February 16, 2008

San Antonio, TX Bound

We left Las Vegas on Friday, Feb 15th with a goal to make it to Tucson, AZ. However, we got stuck in traffic in Pheonix for 3 hours so we changed our plan and made it as far as Casa Grande, AZ. We had a wonderful trip in our new motorhome. It runs much quieter and smoother than our older one. We did however, find another issue. We hit driving rain in Pheonix and we discovered we had a small leak at the top of the windshield. I don't know what it is about us and windshields but we have had our share of problems with them. This isn't a big leak because when we are sitting still it doesn't leak; it was only during a driving rain storm and while we were driving. We passed through a really neat little western town called Wickenberg, AZ. It was very rustic western and we even saw a guy pull out onto the highway in his horse and buggy and while we sat in traffice he trotted about a mile down the road to the grocery store and was on his way back before we ever got near the grocery store. This guy sure looks like our friend Larry Halstead. Must be his twin. Anyway, I really envied him being able to run out to the grocery store with his horse. I later read a plaque about the town and found out it is the dude ranch capital in the U.S. I definitely want to come back to this little town in the future. We spent the night in a WalMart parking lot in Case Grande, AZ and both Jim and I slept great. I think we were so relieved as to how well our motorhome did. Saturday, we drove through AZ and New Mexico deserts. I did most of the driving today because Jim has a head cold. I even pulled into a Flying J and actually manuvered around in the parking lot around other cars and trucks. I have never done that before. This motorhome drives much better than our old one. I used to get so nervous whenever a tractor trailer passed us while I was driving because it felt like we were going to get swept off the road. This new motorhome doesn't rock and roll at all and you cannot even feel the air pressure from the passing trucks. I usually only drive about an hour at a time but today I drove four hours. Piece of cake! Anyway we drove as far as a town called Van Horn, TX. We drove through the desert for hours and all of a sudden here is this little town of 2 streets and it has an RV park but no Wal Mart. In fact, Jim looked on his Garmin and there isn't a Wal Mart for 200 miles. We are staying at the Eagles Nest RV Park and it is a really nice park with nice big pull-thrus so we didn't have to unhook the truck and we can just head right out in the morning. Speaking of Garmin, Jim now has two GPS systems to get us down the road. The one that came with the motorhome is an Alpine and if he messes with it while he is driving, the lady's voice tells him if you are driving the vehible and trying to access the Alpine system you need to pull over. I'm glad he's got another woman bitching at him for fooling with the system while he is trying to drive! Bono and Charlie have gotten quite comfortable in the new motorhome. But Bono keeps getting up about every 30 minutes to get patted by Jim as if to say "You still love me man?" Charlie's position is in my lap watching the road. We should get to San Antonio tomorrow (Sunday). Looking forward to seeing Jim's sister, Diana, who is visiting a friend and our friends from Fredericksburg (the Nelsons) who have relocated to San Antonio. Until next time.......

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