Friday, February 15, 2008

Las Vegas 08 Week 4

Well we've had another great week. A lot has happened. We traded our Motorhome in on a new one for one thing. We got an 07 Winnebago Vectra. It is wonderful. I'm having trouble loading pictures on the blog so as soon as I can get the pictures loaded I will. Also, we went to a production at the Aruba that David put together. It was so much fun. It was like a talent show and had all kinds of acts. David was introducing us to some of the performers as they came in the club that night. One of the performers was a drag Queen named Chris. I'm going to try to tell this story but I know I won't give it justice. David introduced us to Chris who was about 7 ft tall with red sequined eye shadow, huge fake lashes, a long blond wig, red lipstick and 5 inch leoprod heels, and a long trench coat. Jim shakes hands with him and just starts talking away to him and even said my you're a tall boy! Well after Chris walked away I couldn't stop laughing and Jim said he sure was tall. And I said I was surprised you were so friendly to him with him being a drag queen and all. Jim goes no way. I said you mean you didn't know? and he honestly didn't know. I said what did you think about the eye shadow and red lipstick and high heels? He said he never noticed any of that he only noticed he was tall. I couldn't believe it. I couldn'st stop laughing about it all night. Then when the guy came out on stage he was announced as sensous sissy and did a strip tease act down to a red bra and red sequined jock strap. I thought Jim was going to die. David and I were laughing so hard at Jim's reaction. You had to be there to understand. We spent the rest of the time going to my grand nephew's basketball game again and movies and dinner with David. After we bought the motorhome, we spent two days rounding up boxes and packing up. Our new one was ready for pickup on Tuesday. We had to go through the whole motorhome so they could show us how everything works. I should have brought a book with me, Jim asked about every knob and gadget and then explained it back to make sure he understood everything. I was dying while we were waiting because I wanted to start unloading. Jim finally finished asking questions about 3pm and we had two hours to unload our motorhome into the new one. We parked it door to door but it was still a lot of work. We managed to get it done in 1 hour and 50 minutes. Then we took it back to our campsight and started unloading boxes. We worked til 8 that night and stopped to watch American Idol and hit it again the next day. By the end of the 2nd day we pretty much had everything put away. I'll still change some things around in the closets but for the most part we are pretty much settled in. We stayed an extra two days just to make sure everything worked. We found some small stuff that needed fixing and the dealership sent over a guy who fixed our satellite on the spot, Jim fixed a couple of things himself and on Thursday we took it over to the shop and had some adjustment made. If Jim was awake while I'm writing this I'm sure he would fill you in on all the technical stuff, but its after 8pm and he is sound asleep. Valentine Day was our last day to see Dave so we went over the the Aruba for dinner with him. They added a resturant to the club and Valentine Day was its grand opening. We had a very nice dinner and the owner of the resturant came out to meet us since we were Dave's parents and all. We left Friday for San Antonio, Texas. Hope to be there by Sunday. I'll send pictures as soon as the blog program will let me. Until then..........

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