Sunday, February 3, 2008

Las Vegas 08 Week 3

We ended another fun week in Vegas. Thursday was a work day around the RV. Jim did the outside maintenance and I cleaned the inside top to bottom and did the laundry. That evening, David joined us for dinner at the RV and we watched a movie. Friday night Jim and I went down to the Aruba where David works. Habitat for Humanities and an art group joined forces and put on a Marti Gras Party at the Aruba. What an event it was. I have never seen so many people at the Aruba. They had 3 bands set up in 3 different rooms and people were dressed in all kinds of colorful garb. Artists were set up in various areas throughout the club and were painting and displaying their art. It was really a fun night. Saturday we had a quiet night at the RV (resting up from our big night out on Friday haha). Sunday my cousin, Ricky, from San Diego, CA came in for Super Bowl. We joined him at his hotel, the South Point, which was putting on a big game party. I made my first bet on a super bowl game with my cousin's help. I bet a whopping big $10 on the New England Patriots and that they would win by 12 points. Rick bet $50 on the Giants and took a 12 point lead. I wanted to bet on the Giants but I felt since I came from New England, I should be loyal. Well as you could image, I should have followed my gut and bet on the Giants. That was really a great game though. We had so much fun watching it with the big crowd. After the game we went down to the casino and I played $10 in a nickel machine and won $10 so I got my losing New England Patriot bet back. Monday we introduced Ricky to our favorite little casino we found that has $2 blackjack. We all put out $20. Poor Jim he lost $10 and decided to leave the game. Rick and I continued playing and we both made money. I think Rick made $48 and I made $59. They also had 10 Cent Roulette so I put down a $10 and doubled my money. Then I went over to a Penny machine and put in a $5 and walked away with $30. So overall I had a good gambling day. That evening, we tried another Steak Resturant called Morton's. Man was it good. Jim immediately cut his dinner in half and put it in a doggie bag (he's trying to be the good dieter and all). Rick and I on the other hand tried our best to eat our entire dinner but we both gave in and called for doggie bags. The first pic above is Rick and I. We then went over to David's bar and spent the evening with him. The second pic is me, David and Rick. The 3rd pic is David behind his bar, and the 4rth pic is Jim having a ball at the bar or should I say nap at the bar! Last week he kept teasing with my Uncle Joe that they were wild and crazy guys. He doesn't look to wild and crazy here. Anyway, the Rick, David and Jim were so nice they watched Dance War with me so I wouldn't miss it. (I think they actually enjoyed it, even though they didn't say so. They were certainly voiceing their opinions on who did the best job!) I should mention, Jim didn't take his nap until after Dance War. Rick left to go home on Tuesday, David had to work, so Jim and I went back to our favorite little casino. Jim played blackjack for a couple of hours and managed to leave with his original $20 and two free drinks so he was pretty happy. I turned my $20 into $45 and I was pretty happy. Wednesday we went looking at RV's and found a couple that we could live with if the price was right (yeah right!) but we had fun looking. Tomorrow starts our last week in Vegas. Until next time.........

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