Thursday, February 21, 2008

San Antonio, TX 2008

We arrived in San Antonio on Sunday. We settled in to our Thousand Trails campground at Medina Lake and drove out to our friends, Lynn and Joe Nelson's. They used to live in Stafford and have relocated to San Antonio. They have a gorgeous home (over 4,000 sq ft) and just love it in San Antonio. We went out to a Tex Mex resturant and had a wonderful time. On Monday, we met with Jim's sister, Diana and her long time friend Weesa for lunch on the riverwalk. Diana is visiting from Denison, TX so it was great that we were able to catch up with her in San Antonio. We had a wonderful lunch at Sawgrass Steak House located right on the riverwalk. From there Diana and Weesa came back to the campground with us to see our new motorhome. While they were visiting, a bunch of deer came around the motorhome so Diana and I went out to feed the deer. It was great fun. They actually came up to us and ate out of our hands. The next day, Joe and Lynn came out to the motorhome for breakfast and to see our new motorhome. We had a great visit with them. Later, Jim and I were just going to take it easy before we headed out to Harlingen, TX but we decided to join Diana and Weesa for a movie and dinner in town. We went to see Fools Gold. It was a great movie - we all enjoyed it very much. Weesa is such a hot ticket. Diana and her husband Sherman have known Weesa and her late husband for 30 some years. Weesa's husband, Chief was actually Sherman's boss in the military. Weesa had us laughing so hard as she was telling us about Diana's grazing habits during the middle of the night. Diana loves candy and every night she would get up and found all of Weesa candy stash. I think by the time we met up with them on Tuesday, Weesa was just about out of candy and sweets. Jim had met Weesa and Chief years ago, but it was the first time I got to meet her. I had heard so much about her from Diana over the years and it was great to meet her. Whenever I see candy though I will think of poor Weesa and her disappearing candy stash!

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