Sunday, January 27, 2008

San Jose, CA 08 Week 1

We're having a wonderful visit with my aunt and uncle. They actually live in Morgan Hills, CA which is just outside San Jose. The Thousand Trails campground we are staying at is less than hundred yards from their house. It's been raining everyday that we have been here but we haven't minded at all since our primary reason for this visit is to visit family. Even with all the rain, the surrounding mountains are still snow capped. This pictures above of the snow capped mountains were taken just down the street from my Uncle Joe and Aunt Bev's house. Morgan Hills is such a pretty town. It has such wonderful homes built on the hillsides and the people here are so friendly. I've really enjoyed going to the Curves in Morgan Hills. My cousins Karen and Jodi live in San Jose. On Friday, we had a girls day out and my aunt, I and Jodi went to see 27 Dresses. It is a great movie. We really enjoyed it. It was one of those movies you wish would never end. Saturday night we took my aunt and uncle to Vic Stewart's steak house just outside San Fransisco in a town called Walnut Creek. Jim has a list of the top ten steak houses in the U.S. that he got out of a travel magazine and decided he was going to make it a goal to visit each one. Vic's was on the list and it is the first one we visited out of the ten. I brought my camera and when Jim went to take a picture of me, my aunt and uncle, he realized I didn't have a SD card in the camera so we couldn't take a picture of our first steak house visit. Duh! I could have died, I was so mad at myself. I left the disc in our laptop back at the RV. But anyway the visit was wonderful. The atmosphere was wonderful, the service great and the meal was wonderful. We had met the Executive Chef, Tyler, earlier in the evening at the bar while we were waiting for the dining room to open, and Tyler later came to our table later in the evening to make sure we liked our dinner and talked about our travels. Overall it was a very enjoyable evening. On Sunday, Jodi and Dave hosted everyone at their house and Karen and her husband, Tom and two of her children, (Julia and Jason, his wife Melanie and granddaughter, Heather) came over. The photos above are of the whole clan. We had a great day and Jodi and Dave cooked a great meal. It sure was fun to have everyone together. On Monday, Jodi and I went to see the famous Winchester Mystery House in San Jose. (While all this girl stuff was going on, Jim and Joe had a ball running around and doing guy stuff--without benefit of female supervision as Jim and Joe said! They visited an air museum, ate at the senior citizens center, Jim got to hear Joe's Choir sing, and Jim and Joe got pedicures--yes you heard me right, pedicures! Apparently they had all the girls in the store doting on them! Anyway back to the Winchester House--The lady who built the house, Mrs. Sarah Winchester, (wife of the 2nd President of Winchester Rifles and Guns) was originally from Connecticut but after her baby and husband died, she went kind of crazy and superstitutous and after seeking advice from a physic (sp? fortune teller?) left for CA and was told she needed to build 24 hours a day to keep the spirits away and live a long life. So she built this beautiful home (see above) that has 160 rooms, stairs to nowhere, doors to nowhere, 13 bathrooms, 6 kitchens, etc. She was fascinated with the number 13 so most of the decor contains the number 13 in some form or fashion such as 13 windows in a room, 13 drain holes in sinks, 13 candles in the candeliers, etc. She had 13 servants, 13 gardners, and a construction crew of 13. It was a fascinating tour. Tuesday was our last day in San Jose, and we ended it with dinner with Aunt Bev and Uncle Joe at a little Fish and Chip place in San Jose that cooked the best fish and chips. It reminded me of the way we could get fish and chips growing up in Rhode Island. We returned to Las Vegas, NV on Wednesday.

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