Thursday, January 10, 2008

Las Vegas Bound Jan 08

We left home on January 4th headed for Las Vegas, NV. We were very bless on this trip. We kept hearing about these snow and rain storms but we seemed to be before and after them everytime we got on the road. We had beautiful sunny weather the whole time we were driving. We spent the first night in Evansville, IN at a Flying J. Then we made an unexpected detour to Tulsa, OK and spent the next 2 nights in front of Jim's brother's (Mason) house. We hadn't planned on going through Tulsa because we didn't think the weather would be good enough but we saw on the weather channel that Tulsa was going to have a couple of 70 degree weather days so we thought what the heck. We had a great visit. Jim's brother Rick and his wife and son came over as well as their sister, Jean; and Mason and Judy's children with their spouses and grandchildren. It was really great visiting with everyone. From Tulsa we headed west on I40 and spent the next night at a Kmart in New Mexico. That night we had a lot of wind and rain. The wind literally shook the motorhome and I sure was nervous, but it only lasted a short while and then the weather was fine from then on. From their we continued on I40 west and spent the next night in Flagstaff, AZ at a Wal Mart. We couldn't believe the snow that they got in AZ. It was at least a foot and more. We had 6ft snow piles in the parking lot. But the weather was sunny and the roads were cleared so we had no trouble. We got to Las Vegas on Wednesday, Jan 9th. After we got settled in at the Thousand Trails RV park, we met our son David for dinner and after dinner David came back to the RV to see Bono. As you can see from the photo above, Bono was happy to see David. We got the dogs shaved before we left VA so they've had to wear sweaters in order to keep warm. This is Bono's first sweater and he really likes it but he won't go to the bathroom with it on and he won't climb the RV steps with it on so he only wears it inside the motorhome! The picture above is Jim and his brothers and sister; from left, Jean, Jim, Rick and Mason. I got a new camera for Christmas and it's got a stabilizer built in for my shaky hand so I have been having a ball taking pictures.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Jim, Looks like you are letting Bono get a little pampered. A sweater and valet to take the sweater off to get in and out of the camper. WHo is running this show?
