Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Las Vegas 08 Week 2

Jim and I basically had a relaxed week here. We started the week with dinner at the RV with my son, David, and my neice, Shaunna and her family. We had a great visit and ended the evening with a game of Mexican Dominos. We visited David at his bar, The Thunderbird Lounge, at the Aruba Hotel several times this week and enjoyed meeting and chatting with his co-workers. Jim and I even took a swing dance class at the Aruba. (That's why Jim is dancing with the guy in the photo above just in case you all were wondering)! Jim and I went to the movies to see Mad Money one afternoon - what a great movie. We laughed so hard, Diane Keaton was a riot in this movie. We went to see my great nephew, Jordan, play basketball again on Saturday. This game wasn't as successful as the first one. They lost the game and the poor kids on the team were crushed. But like we told Jordan, its not always about winning but how they played the game, and he played his little heart out. Even though they lost the game, we still enjoyed watching them play. On Monday, Jim and I went to Cirque Du Soleil at the Mirage. The theme was The Beatles Love. It was excellent. We had great seats. We were in the second row. The whole show was done to Beatles music. It was awesome. Tuesday night we went to the movies with David and saw Juno. Another great movie. We've also managed to get a little gambling in. We're not exactly big gamblers but we were pretty happy with our success these past two weeks. I started with $40 that I had put away just for gambling and I ended up these last two weeks with $80 so I'm pretty happy. Jim's in the hole about $10 but he figured he made up for the $10 with free drinks while he was losing it. So he thinks he's ahead if you count the drinks he got for the $10 loss. We leave Wednesday for San Jose, CA to visit my aunt and uncle and cousins. We'll be there for a week and then we head back to Las Vegas for another two weeks. The weather in Vegas has been in the 50's and a couple of days it was in the 60's but it has been sunny the whole time we have been here.

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