Sunday, January 13, 2008

Las Vegas 08 Week 1

Before we left home Jim had paid $1100 to get the driver side front windshield replaced. We no sooner got to Vegas when Jim discovered he had a ding in the new windshield. Meanwhile I had noticed what I thought were pine needles on the passenger side windshield but after looking at Jim's ding I looked closer and it was not pine needles stuck to the windshield but two cracks six inches long shaped like a pie shape. Needless to say, Jim was beside himself. He got a hold of a guy who fixed windshield cracks and got him to come out to fix ours. While he was working on the ding on the new windshield, a crack occurred on either side of the ding about 12 inches each way. Jim almost died. But at least the crack went side to side instead of up and down and its in the top of the windshield so it doesn't impact the view. The windshield guy then stop-drilled the cracks on my side of the windshield to stop the crack from spreading - that crack is definitely going downwards so if this stop-drill doesn't work we got a bigger problem. So we'll see. Looks like we will definitely be going to the Winnebago factory in Iowa later this summer! Otherwise, we haven't done a whole lot. We went to Davie's bar (The Aruba) Friday night and enjoyed watching swing dancing lessons, meeting and chatting with his boss, and of course watching Dave in action at the bar. Saturday my great nephew, Jordan Taylor, (10 yrs old) had his first basketball game this season. So of course we went to his game to cheer him on. Jordan's team won 18 to 17. It was a very close game and I am proud to say Jordan got the winning shot. We were all proud of him. He plays every Saturday so that is what we will be doing on Saturdays while here. We took a ride out to Boulder Dam to see the construction going on. Because of 911 you won't be able to ride along the dam like you can do today and they have been working on making a new road through the mountains to take the traffice away from the road along the dam. So we decided to go and take pictures from the road just in case this is the last year to do so. Today Jim and I are going bike riding. It is a beautiful sunny day here in Sin City so we plan to go out and enjoy the outdoors. Hope our east coast friends and family are staying warm! Bye for now.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Like checking in on your guys. Sorry about your windshield. Some times those stops work - we have several on our truck and Van.

I hope you are getting all our Cardinal's mail.

Are you going to GNR.

Hope you are having warmer weather than we are. It was 22 this am.

Tom is working hard on getting the VA. Rally going in Sept. Are you guys going to be around to help. We need all the help we can get.

Sorry I didn't get to see you at the Christmas Party. Here it was fun.

Fondly, Ginnie