Tuesday, July 26, 2011

2011 Summer Trip to New England #6

Monday was a walk down memory lane for me. We started off by going to the Onlyville New York System Hot Wiener Diner in Providence, RI. We can't come to New England with getting one of these. They are the best anywhere. Even my picky husband, said they were the best wieners he has ever had. The guy in the restaurant was a hoot. When Jim told him he had never been there before, he announced to the other diners he had a virgin in the house. They also serve coffee milk. He gave us a glass free because he says you can't come there without getting the wieners and the coffee milk. We had a great time there and met some other "virgins" there too. This diner is going to be shown on the TV program Food vs Man on August 10th. I've never watched the show but we will try to watch it next month. Next we took a ride to the downtown area of Providence. It really has changed so much. They've added lots of parks, a river walk, and shopping areas. Next we went to the first house I ever lived in on California Avenue. It is the brown two story house below. (For some reason, I can't put these pictures in the right order. ) It doesn't look like it but it is a 2 family home. My grandparents owned this house and they lived on the first floor with my aunts, and we lived on the second floor. I think when I was 7, we moved to Dorchester, Mass for about a year, and when we moved back, my grandparents had moved to another house closer to the city and we lived on the first floor. My grandfather's sister and her husband lived on the 2nd floor. When I was about 10, we moved to Cranston, RI and lived in the white two story house below. That was my favorite house. I loved the neighborhood; we lived on a dead end street and knew all the neighbors; we could walk to school, to the library and to church. I used to sit on the roof of this house outside my bedroom window on the upper right at night and shine a flashlight at the boy across the street. We thought we were doing moss code or something but really we were just copying each other with how many times we flashed the light. When I was about 13, we moved to Warwick, RI to the yellow ranch house. My mom was tired of cleaning two floors of house and wanted a ranch style house. This was the last house I lived in before moving to VA at the age of 15. We ended our journey with a Dell's Lemonade which was just down the street from our Warwick house. We will be exploring more of Cape Cod this week. By the way, the weather has been beautiful here, between 74 and 78 degrees. Hottest day was 85. Hope you all are staying cool.

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