Jim and I have had a wonderful time riding around the Black Hills. I have ridden nearly 500 miles on my bike since we got here! I've gotten so comfortable on my motorcycle and have really enjoyed the rides. Our longest ride was out to Crazy Horse. It is the largest mountain carving honoring the Indian hero, Crazy Horse and all North American Indians. The carving was started in 1947 and as you can see, only the face is done. The second picture is a replica of what it will look like when finished. We've ridden to Deadwood, a gambling western town. We rode out to Spearfish Canyon which is a beautiful ride and had lunch at the Spearfish Lodge. Along the way we stopped with other bikers at certain picture spots. Jim was really testing me as I had to back into narrow spots on hills and curves. I was sure I would tap a bike while backing in causing a domino effect of falling bikes, but I actually had no problem. Now pulling out from a hill on a curve with bikers coming from both directions was tricky but I actually had no problem. I really surprised myself. The third picture is of Main Street in Sturgis taken from a tower. Our friend took the picture and Jim and I are actually standing on the right hand side of the street about a fourth from the bottom. I actually parked my bike downtown in all that traffic too. We rode out to the famous Buffalo Chip Campground to see Credence Clearwater. What an awesome concert. It was wonderful. The traffic getting there was unbelievable. It took two hours to get there and it is normally a 20 minute ride when it is not bike week. The 2nd concert we went to out there was to see Bob Dylan and Kid Rock. We decided to take the campground bus to that concert and it still took 2 hours, but the bus driver did the driving not us. I loved the Kid Rock concert - he has so much energy and he had the crowd roaring. It was really fun being a part of the excitement.
The last few nights we have been going down to Main Street to watch all the people with our camping neighbors and our friend, Ed Steckler. It has been a hoot watching all the crazy people and seeing all the different bikes. Bike week ends Sunday morning, and tomorrow Jim's brother, Mason and his wife Judy are coming in. We plan on having a quiet week and doing some more touring around with them.
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