Our final week in Sturgis was very busy and lots of fun. Mason, (Jim's brother) and his wife Judy came to Sturgis to camp with us and tour the Black Hills. They arrived on Saturday, the last day of bike week so we rode the camp bus into town to show them all the bikes and crazies. We did some T-shirt shopping and enjoyed the sights. That night, our friends from Fredericksburg had to leave early and gave us their concert tickets to see the Doobie Brothers at the Buffalo Chip. Again we rode the camp bus out to the Buffalo Chip. The concert was great but it got so cold we had to go and buy long sleeve t-shirts to put under our jackets. The next day we went to Deadwood and Judy and I tried our luck at gambling and the guys waited for us in the bars. I finally won a little so I was pretty happy. On another day we went to Custer State Park. We saw lots of wildlife; it was such a fun day. Our first encounter was a buffalo walking along the street. He was so close to our truck we could have reached out and patted him. We continued to see lots of buffalos and lots of buffalo babies. Then we came upon a white donkey. He came right up to the truck so Mason fed him a fig newton. He loved them so we ended up giving him the rest of the figs in the box. Needless to say he was Mason's buddy. Then we came upon some baby burros. They were so cute. I wanted to take the one above home but Jim said no way. What a party pooper. From there we went to Needles highway. It is a very curvy road with the most unusual rock structures. We went to 3 rock tunnels and they were very tight, so tight that Mason scraped his mirror going thru. One evening we had a cookout and our friends from Sturgis came. We had such a nice visit with them. Mason and Judy had met them on a previous trip so it was fun for all of us. On other trip, we went to yhe Broken Boot Gold Mine. It was really cool. Mason and Judy had never been inside a gold mine so it was a real treat for them. From there we drove through Spearfish Canyon. It is so beautiful and lots of streams and a neat waterfall. We all took our shoes off and soaked our feet. We ate lunch in a little town and decided to check out an antique store. Mason found a wall phone he couldn't live without and the lady sold it to him for half price. He was one happy camper. Every night, we played canasta with Mason and Judy and just had so much fun. We all departed Sturgis on Saturday. Mason and Judy got home to Tulsa on Sunday afternoon and Jim and I have made it as far as Iowa. We plan on getting home by Wednesday afternoon.