Saturday, July 17, 2010

Summer Trip 2010 #2

We have been busy enjoying the pre-rally this week. We've been checking out the little stores down town and have enjoyed eating breakfast in town. Thursday night, we had a row party with all the RV'rs from VA. We really had a grand time and have met some people who have a home not far from us in Stafford, but they rented out their home and decided to full time it for two years. Friday night, our Winnebago club from VA met at the Branding Iron (a steak resturant) in a little town of Thompson not far from Forest City. Every time we come to the rally we travel to this steak resturant for a delightful dinner. The pictures above are of Jim and I and Joe and Janet at the Branding Iron. We've been stopping in everyday at the little Winnebago surplus store here at the campground. I bought several bolts of upholstery material. Don't know what I'm going to do with it but at $2 a roll, I had to get it. Janet got a beautiful queen size bedspread for $5. Joe bought a sheet of Iron On Winnebago logos for 25 cents. Jim wouldn't spend the 25 cents because he wanted to see how Joe's logos turned out. Well Joe ironed the logo on a hat and Jim was like a puppy dog asking Joe if he was going to share some of the logos with him. And being the good guy that Joe is, he cut off a few for Jim to iron on. You would have thought Jim had a real prize there. He was routing around in the closet looking for shirts to iron on the logos. Saturday was Puckerbrush Day in town. So we went to town to watch the parade. They also had entertainment all day on the courthouse lawns and out in the main street. We thoroughly enjoyed watching the little kids catching candy from all various parade units and after the parade they had a tractor pull for little kids. It was so cute watching them. We took Baxter to the Parade with us since we are crate training him I didn't think he could hold himself for the time we were at the parade. He wasn't the least bit impressed with all the noise and people. He preferred to sleep the whole time. But as soon as we got back to the campground he knew where he was and he was fired up. He was running all around and greeting people and other dogs and just having a ball. There must be 40 or so other little Yorkies here. The last pic above is Baxter in his puppy diaper. We are crate training him but we don't want to keep him in the crate all the time in the motorhome so when we're there with him we put the diaper on him and let him have the run of the place. He doesn't seem to mind it and I'm sure it beats staying in the crate. The Grand National Rally kicks off Sunday evening. Prior to that our VA row is going to have a wine and cheese party before the festivities.

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