Our motorhome service was completed after lunch on Monday so instead of spending another night camping at the service center in Gaffney, SC, we decided to hit the road while it was still daylight. Thankfully we are also experiencing warmer weather -- 50 degrees. We made it as far as Temple, GA and stayed the night at a Flying J. Man am I regretting I bought Jim that GPS for Christmas. As I mentioned earlier, he spent a long time on the phone with a Garmin service technician learning all sorts of capabilities on the GPS. The whole drive to Temple, he was playing with the GPS while driving the motorhome. He had to call his brother and friends everytime he discovered a new capability. It got really nerve wracking when we were in 5:00 o'clock rush hour traffic. I couldn't wait til we stopped for the night. We sure are missing our old dog, Bono. He loved camping so much and we are realizing that watching him enjoy himself so much gave us a lot of joy too. Our little dog, Charlie is enjoying this trip though. He's got his little bed right in between Jim and my seats so he can keep his eye on both of us. I think he kind of likes being an only "child". Tuesday we made it as far as Vicksburg, MS. Thankfully, we didn't have any traffic to speak of so Jim again spent a lot of time playing with his GPS while driving the motorhome. His poor neice, Karen -- when he couldn't get a hold of his brother, Mason, to gloat about his GPS, he called Karen (her being the technical person that she is) several times today. Mason and Karen probably know more about the Nuvi GPS than they ever wanted to know. Anyway, we got to Vicksburg, MS around 3:30 and stayed at the Ameristar Casino RV Park. After we set up camp, we decided to make a quick run downtown just to check out the area. I was hoping to see some of the stately mansions here but it started getting dark on us. While downtown though, we found the Horizon Casino which is an old paddle boat (pic above) converted to a casino. We decided that it would be kind of cool to check out that casino instead of the one we were staying at. Neither Jim or I had any luck but we did have fun. They had a new restaurant that opened up at the casino so we decided to have a quick dinner and then head back to the motorhome and Charlie. We plan to drive as far as Dallas, TX tomorrow and with a little luck have dinner with Jim's sister Diana and her husband, Sherman. Also with a little luck, Jim will have run out of surprising discoveries on his GPS and we can talk about something other than the GPS!
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