We have spent Another week in the desert at Quartzsite, AZ. We have walked and walked all over looking at gemstones, minerals and swap meets galore. It is pretty amazing how many people are here and how much stuff there is to see. Even after two weeks we will not see all of what they have to offer. This past week we ventured out to the surrounding towns just to see what is there. The first town we went to was Parker. About 30 miles from were we are camping. They had a WalMart and a Casino. Believe it or not, we did not go to the casino, but we did pick up some provisions at WalMart. The next day we ventured over to Blythe, CA about 24 miles from us. Blythe seemed a little bigger than Parker but they did not have a WalMart. Its amazing to see how these people live. The skies are clear, the weather is beautiful and I guess that's all they need. No shopping centers to speak of. Another day, we went to Brenda, AZ, about 11 miles from us. We had met a couple one day at lunch at Sweet Darleen's in Quartzsite and they told us they were from Seattle Washington but winter in Brenda. Well we got to Brenda and found Brenda is made up of 3 RV parks. Two on one side of the highway and one on the other. There is one general store and one restaurant there. We managed to cover some ground with more gemstone vendors but we got tired pretty quick. We spent most of this week when we got back from our day trips reading and I have been doing some quilting and of course enjoying the beautiful sunsets. We camped near a couple that we made friends with who are full timers, Ben and Bonnie. Really nice people. We went to dinner a few times with them and it was fun learning about their camping experiences. We plan on catching up with them at the Grand National Rally for Winnebagos in Forest City, Iowa later this summer. Jim has been in his glory teaching Ben about his Winnebago. Its pretty new and he wasn't sure what all the buttons and gizmos were and Jim spent hours going thru his motorhome with Ben and Ben was delighted to have Jim teach him so much. He also met a guy across the desert road from us who just bought a new 5th wheel at Quartzsite. So Jim was helping him put air bags on his truck because the new camper was bigger than the one he came out here with. Saturday, Jan 30th we head for Laughlin, NV for two days then on into Las Vegas, NV.