We've been in Myrtle Beach almost 2 weeks now. The weather here has been great. We stay at the Apache Campground. The first pic above is our motorhome. We are 3 RV's back from the ocean and we have a gorgeous view. It's wonderful to wake up every morning and look out at the ocean. The second pic is the pier. This is why we stay at Apache because of the great fishing pier. It's a lot of fun watching the people catching the fish. I keep hoping I'll be one of the people, but so far no such luck. They have a band on Saturday nights that plays under the covered canopy on the pier. On Thursday evenings they have a fish fry with all the fish you can eat which is a big hit at the campground. Our friends, Barbara and Wayne Simmons were here staying at their condo so we got to spend a few days with them before their week was up. We all went on a motorcycle ride to Surfside Beach and ate at one of our favorite restaurants, the Dead Dog (3rd pic). They have the best she crab soup there. It's about a 50 mile round trip ride on the motorcycle and we had a beautiful day for riding. Myrtle Beach bike week started after Barbara and Wayne left. Jim and I took a ride out to Dead Dog again for some of that great soup and apparently so did a lot of other bikers (4th pic). The city of Myrtle Beach is trying to do away with Bike week so there weren't as many bikers this year. We met a doctor biker at lunch one day and he told us he lives here and loves bike week. He thinks the city is trying to do away with bike week so Myrtle Beach shop owners who have been there for years with sell out and they can build condos. The ban on bike week didn't affect North Myrtle Beach or Garden City or Surfside so there was still plenty to do. However, on our way out to Surfside, Jim and I rode through the city of Myrtle Beach and there were no bikers anywhere. We were told later, the bikers were purposely staying out of Myrtle Beach city and eating elsewhere to show the city how they feel about the ban. It was almost like a ghost town. Our doctor friend said that the shop owner and restaurants were mad at the city council members because the ban is really hurting them. It was quite an interesting week to say the least. The last pic is of Jim getting ready to take a short motorcycle ride. We have a group of friends here that we've known for the 20 years that we have been coming to Myrtle Beach. We're all part of a group known as the "Washer Group". They play washers on the beach everyday. It's sort of like horseshoes only use large washers. Most of the washer group has already left or is preparing to leave by this weekend. We will have one couple, Shirley and Duke, who are staying the month of Oct. Most of the washer group winter in Florida so we will be seeing them again this winter when we go to Florida. Most of our days are spent walking the beach and the pier, and reading at the beach. Life if very tough right now! We have other friends coming in this week for their 2 week vacation (Ric and Vic) and we are looking forward to their visit. We've been playing Canasta with them for a couple of years now. We have an on-going tournament that after 50 games, the couple with the highest score buys all 4 of us a cruise. So far Jim and I are losing so we hope this next two weeks we can get ahead. Jim and I have been practicing a lot lately so we'll see. Well the sun is beckoning me, so I've got to go. Until next time..........
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