Friday, March 7, 2008

Thibodaux, LA

We arrived in Thibodaux, LA on Sunday, March 2nd, for our Habitat for Humanities volunteer work. There are 3 RV's from our Good Sam Club here; us, Jim and Peggy Settles and of course Larry & Mem Halstead. There are 3 other RVers here from other states. In addition to the RVers we were joined by 21 Boston College students who are spending their spring break supporting Habitat for Humanities. We were pleasantly surprised to find out we are working on the Angel Place community started by Oprah Winphrey and Bon Jovi, the rock star, in conjunction with Habitat for Humanities. It is going to be a community of 70 homes located on Bon Jovi Road. Bon Jovi Road is shaped like a horseshoe and we are working on the houses located in the middle of the road. After we got the RV settled, we sat outside to enjoy the beautiful day. Soon we were joined by several of the kids that already live here. We met a young man, Kurt, who is 12 years old. (He is the boy in the back in the above picture). Kurt has become our new best friend. He told us his story of his family surviving Katrina. They had to be rescued by the Coast Guard from their roof top. He said he was so scared (he was only 10 at the time). His family made their way to Thibodaux and they have been here ever since. He said the day they found out they were getting a home in Angel Place was the best day of his life. He said the families thought they were going to see a movie because they had a big screen set up in a field. Then Bon Jovi walked up to the front of the screen and everyone was screaming and shouting and then Oprah came on the big screen and told everyone they were standing in their new neighborhood and that they would be getting homes. He said people were screaming and rolling on the ground. His family actually got one of Oprah's Angel Network houses that was furnished by Nate from her show. Angle Network actually furnished 28 of the proposed 70 homes. Kurt said his house is the most beautiful house he has ever seen. He feels so thankful. He was so articulate in telling us his story I told him he needs to write a book about his experience. He told me he has already started writing it and it is titled My Journey From Katrina and that he has sent Oprah many letters to see if she wanted to read it but he hasn't heard from her yet. After listening to his story, I was really glad we came here to help. Kurt told me we would feel tired and exhausted after our first day. He was right about that. After our 1st day of work, I discovered muscles I didn't know I had -- I was so sore, tired and exhausted. I think we were all in bed by 8:30pm that night. Jim, Jim and Larry and some of the college kids were finishing the siding and trim on a house, some of the college girls primed and painted the inside of a house; and Mem, Peggy and myself got involved in building walls on a house. We were joined by several of the college kids and the other RVers. Even though the work is hard work, we really enjoyed ourselves. We have one Habitat supervisor who went from house to house giving guidance and instruction. Habitat provides coffee and donuts in the morning at 8:00am; then we get a break at 10:00am then lunch is provided at noon. So far they have fed us enormous lunches. Except one day the volunteer responsible for lunch that day had a mixup on the schedule so we were on our own for lunch. (Actually, we were glad for the break from the big lunches). I can't believe how fast one week went by. By the end of the week, we had 3 outside walls built and standing, and about half of the interior walls built and standing. We get the weekend off. The Halsteads, Settles and Jim and I are going to visit New Orleans on Sunday.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am so proud of you and your husband for taking your time to do this. May God bless you and your family in ways you can't imagine.