Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Still Having Fun at Myrtle Beach 09

Well we're still having fun at the beach. Jim and I get out to the beach almost every day reading and watching the waves. We've had beautiful weather. In between chilling out at the beach, we have managed to keep busy with friends. The first two pictures were taken after our jet ski dolphin tour. That was such a grand day. We are going to go again with Ric and Vic who are down here from Hagerstown, MD with us. I hope we get to see the dolphins again. We've also spent time with friends, Barbara and Wayne Simpson who were here on their timeshare week. The next pic is of the whole gang when we went to eat Mexican food. What a fun time we had. Everyone left full and moaning and groaning that we ate too much. One day, Ric and Vic and Jim and I went down to Murrel's Inlet for lunch after a morning shopping trip to the flea market. It was such a beautiful day. We enjoyed the scenery as well as the lunch. The next pic is of Ric, Vic, Jim and I at the restaurant in Murrel's Inlet called the Dead Dog Saloon. While we were out strolling along the boardwalk, we noticed a small island with goats on it. There was one billy goat and the rest were females. The poor billy goat was moaning and howling after this one female goat and she didn't want anything to do with him. We must of watched that poor goat chase the little female for a good 45 min. He never gave up during that time and was still howling as we left. There must of been a dozen folks standing watching and rooting for the goat but all to no avail! We finally decided to go back to the RV and do a little beaching with the rest of the day. We have been ending each evening with a game of canasta with Ric and Vic. Jim and I are not doing so good. So far they have won 6 and we have won 2 games.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Myrtle Beach, Sept-09

We've been at Myrtle Beach, SC for a couple of weeks now. Been so busy, haven't had time to update the blog. We've had great weather and good times. Took a guided dolphin tour on jet skiis. Lots of fun. We saw about 20 dolphins. We sat out in the ocean and bobbed around watching them for about an hour. It was really awesome. Getting lots of reading done and working on a good tan. Managed to do a little shopping.....and catching up with old friends that we meet here every year. Our canasta friends arrived today. They beat the heck out of us the first night. Jim and I have got to do better!!