Friday, Apr 3rd was our last day in Preston, GA. We got rained out most of the week this week. We did get to work Monday, half day Tuesday, and half a day Wednesday. Got rained out all day Thursday. However, Friday was beautiful here and we were able to put in a full day. Jim and I are leaving tomorrow, (Sat) along with the Halsteads. The remaining 10 coaches decided to stay on for a few more days. Despite the rain, we were able to meet most of our goals. We wanted to get the roof done to include shingles but we didn't quite finish with the shingles. The remaining crew is staying on and will get the roof finished on Saturday. We met all the other goals though -- doors and windows in, shed finished and under roof. The pics above show Jim on the roof (reconstructed knees and all); the 3rd pic shows the siding I worked on with 2 other ladies. We were pretty proud of ourselves. The 4rth pic shows the house on Jim and I's last day. We hope to get a picture of it when its all done. It was one of the best experiences working on this build. We met so many nice people from all over the U.S. and Canada. We all belong to the same chapter so we hope to meet up again on future builds. The people in this community have been so nice and just bent over backward supporting us. We never went without a meal here. It is a build that we will always remember with pride and love. On Thursday our old dog, Bono, (last pic) gave us a scare. That morning as I was waking up he started to come into the bedroom to greet me and he collapsed on the floor. I jumped out of bed and rushed over to him and it was like he died with his eyes open. He was completely paralyzed. By the time I pulled some clothes on and got Jim who was outside, he was up and wagging his tail like nothing happened. He was fine the rest of the morning. Then Jim and I met with the group for lunch. When we got back we let the dogs out and Bono collapsed again this time outside. It was raining cats and dogs and he fell into a big puddle. Had Jim not lifted his head up he would have drowned. Jim and I immediately put him in our truck and rushed to the vets. By the time we got him in the truck he was coming out of the spell he was in. By the time we got to the vet's he was wagging his tail acting like nothing happened. They ran tests on him and took xrays and couldn't find anything wrong. They ruled out stroke because he has no after affects, and ruled out seizures because he didn't shake or get rigid, just limp. The vet thinks it could have been a heart arrhythmia but can't really say without more testing. So he recommend we take him home and watch him and start taking note the time of day he collapses, how long he stays out and to check his heart beat to see if it races. So far he has been fine. Still acting like a puppy. It sure gave us a scare. But Jim and I realize he is 13 yrs old and are preparing ourselves that he may be coming to the end of his life but it is hard. He sure has been a good old dog. We leave in the morning (Sat) for Savannah, GA to meet up with friends. We are going to Paula Dean's restaurant for dinner tomorrow evening. Really looking forward to it.